Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Pritti is Watching From The Other Side of The Rainbow Bridge

Quite a while has passed since the last update about Pritti, the beautiful, talented, brilliant Red-Masked Conure/Cherry-Headed Conure.

Pritti passed over the rainbow bridge at age 33.  That is considered a nice ripe old age for his species.    Pritti's talented avian vet in Deerfield Beach, Florida started giving us gentle warnings about Pritti's deteriorating health when Pritti was in his early 20's.  Despite those "conditions," our Pritti was not ready to leave us until he was 33 years old.  Some other things happened in our family at that time that caused one family member to say that Pritti left us so we could take care of a human family member that had life or death critical medical needs that required months of attention and support.  I don't know if that is true, but Pritti remained in our hearts and and minds and we will never ever ever EVER forget Pritti.  

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