These days it seems many people know something about Acupuncture. Perhaps you have received the treatment, know someone who has, or have read an article about this Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) modality. But have you heard of veterinary acupuncture?
To keep this article short and sweet, I have included many clickable links if you are interested in more information.
Acupuncture has been practiced on humans in China for almost 5,000 years. Fast Forward to modern day: According to a National Geographic article, U.S. veterinarians have practiced Acupuncture on animals since the 1970s. The desire for complementary medicine treatments for our pets has been on the rise. Most often Acupuncture is provided to dogs, cats, and horses. However, more and more birds are being treated with this ancient healing modality with incredible success. The American Veterinary Medical Association issued a interesting press release, July 14, 2007 entitled "Complimentary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine - Such as Acupuncture, Herbs and Chiropractic - Becoming More Mainstream" (the title explains it all).
Some additional interesting and informative sites are: International Veterinary Acupuncture Society, Association of British Veterinary Acupuncturists, American Veterinary Medical Association, holisticbirds.com.
Do you know a non-human who has received acupuncture. Post your story by clicking "comments" below.
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